it's Sunday Babe!

God, when I listen to the voices of the animals, to the sound of the trees,
the murmur of the water, the singing of the birds, to the rushing of the wind
or to the rumble of thunder, I see them evidence of Your unity;
I feel that You are supreme power, supreme knowledge, supreme wisdom, supreme justice.

God, I also recognize you in the difficulties I am experiencing now. God, let Your satisfaction
be my satisfaction, and let me be Your joy, the joy that a Father takes in His child. And let me remember
You with calmness and determination, even when it's hard for me to say :

Selamat hari minggu sobat! udah pada ke gereja belom?? hahaha :D dan gw (dengan sangat teramat tumbennya) memutuskan untuk tugas (misdinar) karena biasa gw cuma mau sabtu sore.. emang biasa sih, gw juga tugas cabutan, seenak udel, kagak absen kaga nulis identitas, main dateng terus pasti paling pertama keluar :D di altar celingukan, liatin macem2 dan setidaknya gw tidak ngantuk! (padahal nguap 5 kali ada tuh) ckckckckc

ehh ada si adel koor, eh pas pulang ada si verina HAHAHA emang dunia kecil, (ato gading kecil? haha)

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